Top 5 reasons not to use a Trigger Lock

Top 5 reasons not to use a Trigger Lock
March 24, 2017 Comments Off on Top 5 reasons not to use a Trigger Lock Firearms Safety, Personal Protection Brickstreet

If you own firearms and you’re a responsible person, having a Trigger Lock on your firearm(s) should be something to consider to secure your firearms from being used by unauthorized persons. Sounds good right. The following is a list of 5 top reasons you shouldn’t use a trigger lock. They are in descending order so don’t jump ahead. Seriously, I’m watching you.

5. The firearm can still be easily moved or stolen.

There is more than just the need to keep a firearm unavailable to unauthorized persons, we must also protect these expensive pieces of machinery from being taken and possible used for other crimes.

If someone can just pick up your gun and hide it or take it with them, they can take their time, at some other location and dismantle or cut off and destroy your trigger lock.

4. Ammunition can be left in the gun. A trigger lock is only meant to do one thing, keep the trigger from being pulled. If that is all we are attempting to do to secure a pistol, we are missing the boat. Ammunition should be completely removed from a gun that is using a trigger lock. Now I don’t recommend using it as this post says, but if you insist, take the ammunition out. Reason #1 will elaborate more on why this is important.

3. It gives a false sense of security. This problem has tentacles in all of the other four reasons and probably more.

Most of the time if people take to following a new procedure to enhance their personal safety and believe in it, it becomes a panacea. Few of the negatives are considered, only the positives. This is a part of human nature, wanting a simple solution to a complex problem.

On our next post we’ll finish up with the Top 2 reasons not to use a Trigger Lock.

Until next time…Be Alert, Be Aware and BE SAFE!!

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